Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man ★★★★☆

Recently my friend and I were discussing that not many quality summer blockbusters had come out during the summer (unless you count the very brainless Avengers, or the very gory and crazy Prometheus); then I see The Amazing Spider-Man

To say it is not a film that I am normally interested in would be an understatement. I wasn't a fan of the Marvel comic teenage superhero, nor was I an admirer of the original franchise starring Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst to fully appreciate the depth of this story. Additionally, if there was ever a movie that screamed "another-recycled-action-flick-cos-we-ran-out-of-ideas" it would be this one. In spite of that, I've heard wonderful things about the the director Marc Webber, and the casting (with Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Sally Field) and decided to view the movie. I'm happy to say that I'm glad that I did. Virtually the director Webber put together a cast of relatively new young and better-looking actor and actress with spectacular special effects that truly made the story go. 

Webber, who is most famous for (500) Days of Summer, renewed the whole casting and changed the approach (no more Mary-Jane or the Oscorp father and son). Peter Parker is not the innocent and naive high school boy like in the first few movies, but he is troubled teenager who is a photo-taking geek. The rather young and new cast has a fresh feeling on the story and there are no preconceived notions based on a past actor or actresses work. That being said Andrew Garfield (the Social Network), and Emma Stone (the Help) had a true coming out party in The Amazing Spider-Man. Both of them played fantastic parts, which really made their chemistry mesh nicely together. Rhys Ifans, Sally Field and Martin Sheen were all spectacular in supporting roles alongside Garfield and Stone. The villain this time is the Lizard who is truly frightening and did a good job scaring the hell out of the audience. 

When a movie has the explosions, crazy action or crude humor that we've become accustomed to seeing in newer movies there has got to be a great story attached in order to maintain your interest; The Amazing Spider-Man had that great story. There aren't many movies that have you laughing, crying, getting angry or frightened and end up still being fantastic and that is where this one had me. With my common rule of no movie should be over 2 hours unless it is special; this one is very special. I would be surprised if there aren't a number of sequels coming.

Some scenes are quite fragmented and silly, and dialogues sometimes corny but thank god the movie quickly went back to its right path until the end. I still do not like how the scene when Peter Parker got bitten by the spider was handled. But the story generally flows well, and there is no lacking in its actions to keep you from being bored. Having said that, I watched it in 2D which I think is good enough. Never a fan of the 3D movies. 

Great Acting: YES! 
Entertaining: Yes 
Summer Movie Grade: A+ 
Is it Worth the Price of a Movie ticket: Yes 
Would I watch It Again: Yes!