Sunday, January 27, 2013

American Horror Story: Asylum "Madness Ends" ★★☆☆☆

When Lana (Sarah Paulson) says: "It's not your fault, baby. It's mine.", and she shoots her own son Johnny, we are not surprised or shocked. We find it...funny. 

After 13 episodes, we have learned quite a bit about the Briarcliff institution, including the corrupted Catholic Church, the Nazi doctor, the Devil in a young nun, the Angel of Death,  the psychiatrist serial killer, aliens, monsters, interracial relationships, homosexuality...and honestly, we are getting a bit weary towards the last few episodes. (There's even a crazy Glee-like musical sequence in one episode!!). The final episode "Madness Ends" manages to tie things up (or at least most of the story) and tells us that the whole story is about parent and children, a reunion of a mother and her abandoned child, and is about revenge and forgiveness. 

This does not turn the show into a serious emotional drama. The whole series has been clustered with shock, blood, stylish camera works to prevent itself from being a conventional horror series. But it is too much to make us stay emotionally connected to the show or take any of it seriously. That doesn't mean the characters are unlikeable. To the contrary, I really like Sister Jude. My friend, B, likes Sister Mary Eunice. The acting is good and each character has such a unique personality. Nevertheless they are unable to redeem the show's confusing storylines and contrived scare devices. The show has been an interesting ride, but once the thrill of the ride is over, there's nothing memorable or meaningful left for us to hold on to. (perhaps except the beautiful song "Dominique" that played in almost every episode).